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Love Notes - Chronology of Events

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Dallas Love Field Chronology of Events (1917 - Present)

October 19, 1917
Army names new flying field "Love Field".

June 22, 1928
City of Dallas acquires 167.10 acres of land at a price of $325,000.

June 1, 1929
Delta Air Service, Inc. starts first passenger service from Dallas to Jackson, Mississippi via Shreveport and Monroe, LA.

August 9, 1929
Dallas' second airport was officially named "Hensley Field".

September 1,
Braniff Airlines begins express and package freight services at Love Field.

April 9, 1932
First paved runways at Love Field completed.

May 17, 1934
Braniff Airways begins service to Love Field from Charleston, South Carolina.

July 1, 1935
Delta operates first night schedule at Love Field.

February 1, 1937
Air traffic control tower placed into commission at Love Field.

October 6, 1940
Love Field's Lemmon Avenue Terminal Building dedicated.

April 1, 1941 - Air Mail Freight opens at Love Field.

September 1943
Construction completed on Northwest-Southeast and North/South runways - a length of 5200 feet.

October 15, 1943
Delta Air Lines begins service from Love Field to New Orleans.

May 16, 1945
City officially adopts Master Plan for Love Field.

February 19, 1947
Pioneer Air Lines begins service at Love Field.

March 9, 1947
East Wing of Lemmon Avenue Terminal Building completed.

March 16, 1948
City officially adopts amended Master Plan for Love Field.

August 10, 1948
North Wing of Lemmon Avenue Terminal Building completed.

September 1949
Central Airlines begins service at Love Field.

May 8, 1950
Pioneer Airlines moves base from Houston to Love Field.

March 26, 1952
Extension of Northwest-Southeast runway completed - a length of 7750 feet.

June 1, 1954
East/west runway closed.

August 5, 1955
Work order issued for construction of new terminal building.

December 1955
C.A.B. awards to Braniff and Delta new routes to Washington and New York.

October 20, 1957

January 20, 1958
NEW TERMINAL PLACED IN COMMISSION. Third and current terminal building.

April 1, 1959
Continental Airlines places jet schedules into Love Field - with Viscounts.

July 12, 1959
American starts first TURBO Jet Service.

July 11, 1963
Work Order issued for parallel Northwest-Southeast runway.

April 20, 1964
Awarded contract for construction of second level auto parking deck.

August 18, 1964
Completed and occupied new Airport Fire Station.

August 18, 1965
Upper deck metered parking lot opens.

September 1965
First American Airlines Jet Air Freight Service, New Air Freight Terminal opens.

January 1966 - Construction starts on baggage and ticket wing extension.

January 1, 1967
American Concourse gates 6 - 15 started. Braniff's New Terminal started.

April 1967
American Air Freight Facility opens.

June 1967
Braniff Air Freight Facility opens.

December 12, 1968
American Concourse gates 6 - 15 opened.

February 19, 1968
Baggage Wing Extension completed.

April 1968
Powers and duties of the Dallas/Fort Worth Regional Airport Board are developed.

September 1, 1968
Southwest Airmotive's office building completed.

October 1, 1968
Texas International hangar completed.

November 12, 1968
Dallas and Fort Worth establish a bond agreement to build Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport -

Regional Airport Concurrent Bond Ordinance. D/FW Airport Use Agreement: Agreements were obtained from all eight CAB certificated air carriers to move all flights to the new regional airport. Southwest Airlines began its intrastate service, later, and subsequently notified the Airport Board that it would remain at Love Field.

December 1, 1968
Ticket Wing Extension completed.

December 1, 1968
American's new maintenance hangar completed.

December 3, 1968
American's terminal addition opens.

December 7, 1968
Braniff's new terminal opens.

December 16, 1968
Pedestrian tunnels to parking lot completed.

May 1, 1969
Texas International hangar completed.

May 18, 1969
Texas International terminal addition opens.

July 7, 1969
Grooving completed on Runway 31L-13R.

January 9, 1970
Completed reconstruction of East Taxiway.

January 29, 1970
Completed 17 inch black top overlay on Runway 31R-13L.

March 31, 1970
Delta Air Lines completed North Concourse expansion.

April 18, 1970
Braniff opens new Jetrail.

Southwest Airlines begins intrastate service between Dallas, Houston and San Antonio.

The Regional Airport Board and the Cities of Dallas and Fort Worth sue Southwest Airlines over their decision to remain at Love Field.

Love Field enplanements peak at 6,668,398. The court grants Southwest Airlines the right to remain and offer intrastate air service at Love Field.

January 13, 1974
Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport officially opens.

Love Field enplanements at lowest - 467,212.

Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 introduces new fare and route competition and permits unrestricted entry into air passenger marketplace by new domestic carriers.

Southwest Airlines begins interstate service to New Orleans, Lousiana. Congress passes the Wright Amendment to the International Air Transportation Competition Act of 1979.

Permitted air carrier service between Love Field and points within Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma and New Mexico, provided the air carrier did not permit through servicing or ticketing and did not offer for sale transportation outside these states. Permitted charter air transportation provided that these charters did not exceed 10 flights per month. Permitted air transportation provided by commuter airlines operating aircraft with a capacity of 56 passengers or less.

Love Field citizens establish the Love Field Citizens Action Committee (LFCAC). Love Field Noise Abatement Advisory Committee is established.

January 1981
Department of Environmental Health and Conservation completes the River Departure Route Study. May 1981 - Dallas Love Field Review of Operations Safety is completed by the FAA.

December 16, 1981
The Dallas City Council adopts the Noise Control Program, which included the Nighttime Preferential Runway, Trinity Departure for Night Operations on Runway 13R, and the Establishment of Channelization Tracks and Altitude Restrictions for helicopters.

City Manager commits to the establishment of a planning process to develop a series of policy guidelines for future City Council decisions regarding the use of Love Field.

May 1982
Dallas Love Field Environmental Assessment Report on the River Routing Noise Abatement Procedure is completed by HNTB.

June 1982
Dallas Love Field Environmental Assessment Report on the Helicopter Routing Noise Abatement Procedure is completed by HNTB.

February 1983
1982 Noise Contour Update and Analysis of Dallas Love Field is completed by Bolt Beranek & Newman, Inc.

May 24, 1983
The Love Field Policy Committee composed of aviation, business and neighborhood leaders is established by the City Manager.

February 1984
1983 Noise Contour Update and Analysis of Dallas Love Field is completed by Bolt Beranek & Newman, Inc.

March 21, 1984
Dallas City Council adopts a series of policies pertaining to the development, maintenance and operation of Love Field - The Love Field Policies.

March 1985
1984 Noise Contour Update and Analysis of Dallas Love Field is completed by Harris Miller Miller and Hanson, Inc. (HMMH)

November 1985
U. S. Department of Transportation's Comments on the Wright Amendment relative to Continental Airlines' announced intention to commence service at Love Field.

February 20, 1986
1985 Noise Contour Update and Analysis of Dallas Love Field is completed by Harris Miller Miller and Hanson, Inc. (HMMH)

October 3, 1986
City Manager submits Report on Improvements to the Love Field Noise Control Program and Love Field Policies to the Dallas City Council - Recommendations include SWA Fleet Mix Agreement, SWA Facility Lease Agreement, SWA Fuel Farm Agreement, SWA Terminal Lease Agreement, Two-tiered Landing Fee Program, Request Federal Reserve Bank to require Stage-3 aircraft, Request DOT to make maximum use of Trinity Departure, City Manager to implement various improvements, Adoption of the new Ldn Noise Contour goal and revise the Love Field Policies and the City Planning Commission to conduct a public hearing to determine the proper zoning of two tracts of property immediately to the west of Love Field.

December 17, 1986
Dallas City Council adopts all of the recommendations contained in the City Manager's report.

December 17, 1986
Fleet Mix Agreement

January 1987
Continental Airlines Agreement with the City of Dallas and D/FW International Airport Board

April 3, 1987
Southwest Airlines Headquarters Facility Lease Agreement

August 18, 1987
DOT Maximum Use of Trinity Standard Instrument Departure Procedures

September 23, 1987
Two-tiered Landing Fee Ordinance

Ground Noise Study recommends 6 noise control barriers - four were approved by the FAA - two of which were not approved by Love Field neighbors.

May 1989 - Fleet Mix Ordinance

September 1989
Dallas City Council authorizes Resolution #89-3150 requesting Congress to Repeal the Wright Amendment and replace it with the 650-mile perimeter rule.

October 1989
Fort Worth City Council opposes the Repeal or Modification of the Wright Amendment - Resolution #1474.

October 1989
1989 Noise Contour Updates are completed by HMMH.

July 1990
Dallas City Council authorizes resolution #90-2232 rescinding resolution #89-3150 and affirming support for the Wright Amendment.

October 1990
Airport Noise and Capacity Act went into effect.

April 1992
Dallas City Council authorizes resolution #92-1311 reconsidering the City's current policies regarding the Wright Amendment. Noise Control Program Review completed - Contours developed in this review showed that aircraft noise had been reduced to a level below that of the established noise goal. Consultant recommended an aircraft noise and operations monitoring system for Love Field. Noise barriers were constructed at the Engine Run-Up Facility.

Dallas Public School Soundproofing Program begins. Includes four schools within the 65 Ldn noise contour: Obadiah Knight, K.B. Polk, Maple Lawn, and Thomas J. Rusk.

June 11, 1997
Dallas City Council authorizes the installation and maintenance of the Noise Monitoring and Flight Tracking System.

October 9, 1997
Shelby Amendment passes. Amended the Wright Amendment to redefine the "commuter airlines" exception to include "any aircraft, except aircraft exceeding gross weight of 300,000 lbs. reconfigured to accommodate 56 or fewer passengers if the total number of passenger seats installed does not exceed 56. Permitted new flights to Alabama, Kansas and Mississippi. Allowed jets modified to hold no more than 56 seats to fly anywhere in the country from Love Field.

October 10, 1997
City of Fort Worth and American Airlines sue the City of Dallas, Legend Airlines and Continental Airlines in a Fort Worth state district court, to block additional service at Love Field.

October 15, 1997
State court granted summary judgement motions to Fort Worth and found that Dallas was obligated by the Bond Ordinance to bar airlines from operating services authorized by the Shelby Amendment and that federal law did not override the cities' agreement restricting Love Field service.

November 6, 1997
The City of Dallas sues the U.S. Department of Transportation and the City of Fort Worth to obtain a declaratory judgement that Dallas may not bar airlines from operating service authorized by Shelby.

1998 Noise Control Program Review.

June 11, 1998
Continental Express begins service to Houston (10 daily flights) using 50 passenger Embraer ERJ-145 regional jets.

July 9, 1998
State Court enjoined Continental Express from operating Love Field to Cleveland flights pending the court's final decision.

August 12, 1998
Dallas City Council authorizes the parking capacity/financial feasibility analyses, structural and people mover concepts and operational plans at Love Field.

August 31, 1998
American Airlines begins service to Austin.

October 16 1998
The Fort Worth district court rules in favor of the City of Fort Worth and American Airlines. Legend Airlines appeals the district court's ruling.

December 22, 1998
The U.S. Department of Transportation rules that Dallas cannot restrict Love Field service outside of the scope of the Wright/Shelby Amendment. Fort Worth and American Airlines sue the Department of Transportation in federal appeals court in New Orleans.

February 1, 2000
5th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the U.S. Department of Transportation's ruling allowing large aircraft to fly from Love Field to seven states outside Texas and planes with 56 or fewer seats to fly from Love Field anywhere in the country.

February 10, 2000
Fort Worth district judge lifts an injunction against Continental Express, which will allow the airline to add flights from Love Field to Cleveland, Ohio on June 1.

March 3, 2000
Fort Worth and D/FW Airport Board appeal the 5th Circuit's ruling to the U.S. Supreme Court.

April 5, 2000
Legend Airlines begins long-haul service to Los Angeles International Airport (5 flights daily) and Washington Dulles (4 flights daily) using DC-9 jets reconfigured to 56 first-class seats. April 7, 2000 - Legend Airlines begins long-haul flights to Las Vegas, Nevada.

April 30, 2000
In preparation for the start of their long-haul service, American Airlines cancels its Love Field to Austin flights.

May 1, 2000
American Airlines begins long-haul service to Los Angeles International Airport (4 flights daily) and Chicago O'Hare (5 flights daily) using Fokker 100 jet aircraft reconfigured to 56 first-class seats. American Airlines joins Fort Worth and the D/FW Airport Board's appeal to the Supreme Court. A state appeals court reverses the earlier ruling by the state district court in Fort Worth, citing the federal appeals court decision.

May 10, 2000
As a result of the increasing demand for gate space at Love Field, the Dallas City Council authorized the development of the Dallas Love Field Airport Impact Analysis/Master Plan.

June 1, 2000
Continental Express begins service to Cleveland, Ohio (4 flights daily) using 50-seat Embraer ERJ-145 regional jets.

June 14, 2000
Continental Express increases its Houston flights by two.

June 28, 2000
Dallas City Council authorizes the development of 80% design of the new parking facility at Love Field.

June 29, 2000
The U.S. Supreme Court denies petitions by Fort Worth, D/FW Airport Board and American Airlines to review the federal appeals court decision.

July 1, 2000
Delta Connection carrier Atlantic Southwest Airlines (ASA) begins Canadair regional jet service between Love Field and Atlanta with six daily flights from the Legend Terminal Building.

December 2, 2000
Legend Airlines halts service from Love Field.

February 28, 2001
Dallas City Council authorizes plans for issuance of approximately $59,000,000 in Airport System Revenue Bonds for the construction of a new parking garage at Dallas Love Field.

April 11, 2001
The Dallas City Council unanimously adopts the Love Field Airport Impact Analysis/Master Plan, thus defining the future of Love Field. A consensus was gained among Love Field tenants, community representatives and area businesses that the maximum number of gates at Love Field will be 32.

May 1, 2001
Connection ASA moves to the main terminal building offering 3 daily flights to Atlanta, Georgia.

August 3, 2001
The Airport's remote lot closes in preparation of new parking garage construction.

August 4, 2001
The new East Public Parking Lot opens.

August 24, 2001
The New Parking Garage Groundbreaking Ceremony takes place.

September 11, 2001
Terrorists using commercial airplanes as weapons attack the World Trade Center and the Pentagon causing a three-day shutdown of all national airports.

September 12, 2001
American Airlines suspends service from Dallas Love Field indefinitely.

November 19, 2001
President Bush singed into law the Aviation and Transportation Security Act (ATSA) which, among other things, established Transportation Security Administration (TSA) within the Department of Transportation.

April 4, 2002
As recommended by the Dallas Love Field Master Plan, the demolition of the East Concourse began.

April 14, 2002
U.S. Secretary of Transportation Norman Y. Mineta announced Michael Restovich will serve as Federal Security Director for Love Field.

June 24, 2002
1,200 new parking spaces in the new parking garage are open to the public.

October 1, 2002
An additional 1,200 spaces in the new parking garage are open to the public.

October 19, 2002
Dallas Love Field celebrates 85 years.

March 1, 2003
New ground lease rental rates at Love Field went into effect. (Rates were increased from $.20/sf/yr for unimproved land to $.32/sf/yr and from $.26/sf/yr for improved land to $.46/sf/yr).

March 1, 2003
Increase in fuel flow fees takes effect (from $.04/gl. to $.07/gl).

March 27, 2003
Grand Opening of Dallas Love Field's new parking garage with climate controlled people mover system. Facility includes public art project featuring scenes from Texas.

March 28, 2003
Additional 1,606 spaces and new facility open to the public.

April 2003
Dallas Love Field recognized as a Texas State Historical site. The designation honors Love Field as an important and educational part of local history.

April 1, 2003
New parking rates at Love Field Parking Facilities go into effect. East Public Parking is renamed the Economy Lot.

June 1, 2003
Delta Connection ASA suspends service from Dallas Love Field.

August 7, 2003
Marker dedication ceremony held to commemorate the designation of Love Field as a Texas State Historical site.